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Hanasakeru Seishōnen
Hanasakeru Seishōnen is a manga series written and illustrated by Natsumi Itsuki. Set in the modern era, the story follows the path to romance of fourteen-year-old Kajika Burnsworth, daughter of powerful industrialist Harry Burnsworth, owner of the Burnsworth international conglomerate giant. Kajika agrees to participate in a "marriage game" with her father, in which she must select her future husband out of three men that her father has supposedly preselected for her. Despite its shōjo-romance undertones, the story itself evolves as a power political mystery involving a small, southeast Asian country called Raginei. Raginei as a country is only 1,000 years old, but became extremely wealthy within the last 50 years or so due to a change in ideals implemented by past King Machaty that allowed the international export of oil. While Kajika searches for her suitors and puzzles over the concept of love, the country is thrown into political turmoil and Kajika's friendship with Prince Rumaty Ivan, as well as the Burnsworth relationship with Raginei, lands her right in the middle of it all.
Aired: Apr 05, 2009 Genre: Animation DramaCasts: Toshiyuki Morikawa Marina Inoue Daisuke Namikawa Aya Endo Tetsuya Kakihara Hozumi GodaProducers: Hajime Kamegaki Chiaki KonDuration: 24m Rating: 0 Country: Japan Production: Pierrot
01: Innocent Girl02: Circling Love03: A sleepless Night04: The day when the long Night ends05: Encounters ~ Reunions06: Pure Heart07: Feelings for Someone08: Promise09: Something that never changes10: Cross Days11: Shape of Love12: Alone13: The Land of the Sun14: Warmth15: Moonlight Medium16: Pride17: Feelings That Don't Reach18: Opposition19: Feelings That Can't Be Held Back20: Turning Point21: Unforgettable Feelings22: Repose23: Separation24: Confusion25: Buried Shard26: Puppet27: Heavy Chains28: Beyond the Differences29: Inside the Circle of Fate30: Unstoppable Progress31: Unassociated Idea32: Lies and Truth33: Seeds of Disaster34: Triumph35: The Beginning of 1,000 Years36: For Eternity37: Relying on the Course of Love38: Sharp Words39: The promised sky